According to 1 Tim 3:8-13. Paul gives an official list of the requirements for Deacons. Here at the Calvary Baptist Church, the Deacon’s mission is to assist the Pastor in community outreach by ministering the gospel outside the church, visiting the sick and homebound, recruiting and receiving new members. Within the congregation, Deacons set the examples of compassion and stewardship.
Deaconess Ministry
We the Deaconess Ministry, assist the Pastor, Ministers and Deacons in serving the body of Christ and their families.
Our purpose is for lifting up and unifying the body that God may be gloried.
Scripture: Psalms #84, Verse 10
The Ushers Ministry will follow the Instructions of The Leadership/Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church to accomplish the overall Goal of the Church.
Our guidance will come from within which will be motivated by our Love for God and for our Work. We will adhere to God’s guidance and accept the position of a Christian Doorkeeper in the house of God. We will be courteous to our guest, and display a friendly attitude at all times. We will strive to make each worshipper as comfortable as possible.
To reach all Church members that wish to serve in the Ushers Ministry and provide a Training Program that will qualify each member to serve to the best of his/her ability.
Sister to Sister Ministry
Sister to Sister is a seven-fold, God-inspired ministry centered on helping women build relationships with God and each other. It is designed to empower women to reach the fullness of the abundant life Jesus gave us and to uphold the freedoms for which Christ died through fellowship, worship, service, healing, mentoring, physical fitness, small group life study and leadership development. We seek to meet every woman at her point of need, in an environment where love abounds, peace dwells, and joy overflows.
Christian Education Ministry
The Calvary Christian Education ministry equips the believers, through sound, biblical instruction, for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ and for maturing them to grow in wisdom, knowledge, grace and in the likeness of Christ. We encourage fellowship and growth through weekly bible study, conferences, small group instruction and individual enrichment.
Children’s Church Ministry
The Children’s Church Ministry at the Calvary Baptist Church will provide a Christ-centered learning and love atmosphere for all children; making room for growth, challenge, and fun while developing and becoming model advocates for Jesus Christ.
Other Ministries …
Below is the remaining list of Ministries at Calvary Baptist.
- Sons of Calvary
- Brotherhood/Men’s Ministry
- Youth
- Multi-Media
- Intercessory Prayer
- Hands of Praise
- Music Ministry